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quietly at home? alone or with friends? play at your own pace beginner or pro? discover and master. learn new games or improve your skills at your favorite games, all at your own pace. need new challenges? join ranked games and meet new challenges! the best players rise through the ranks! let's try! move the card on the free space. this is as simple as it seems. well done! great games just for you! the best games of yesterday and today, adapted for online play. seasons, 7 wonders, stone age, race for the galaxy, dice forge, carcassonne, puerto rico, hanabi, terra mystica, can't stop, through the ages, innovation, 6 nimmt!, takenoko, jaipur, yahtzee, solo, french tarot, tzolk'in, saboteur, backgammon, koi-koi, bubblee pop, hearts, roll for the galaxy, love letter, tokaido, lost cities, belote, p.i. see all targi, hive, the builders: middle ages, colt express, russian railroads, quoridor, apocalypse at the zoo of carson city, chess, tash-kalar, dragonheart, time masters, coloretto, troyes, krosmaster arena, caylus, sobek, hypnosia, libertalia, secret moon, battleships pencil & paper, machiavelli, battle sheep, signorie, reversi, checkers, color pop, eruption, thermopyles, gomoku, keyflower, quantum, noir: killer versus inspector, oh hell!, legendary inventors, lords of xidit, nippon, gosu, quarto, lewis & clark, haggis, ice cold ice hockey, kahuna, celestia, guildes, senet, battle of lits, tobago, takara island, hack trick, incan gold, gaïa, stir fry eighteen, go, the boss, koryŏ, the palaces of carrara, dungeon twister, madeira, kalah, nile, diam's, hawaii, xiangqi, the jelly monster lab, hex, logger, perudo, k2, tournay, cinco, dark agent, elfenland, polis: fight for hegemony, remember when, assyria, nine men's morris, pylos, spyrium, veggie garden, china gold, djambi, 8 masters' revenge, injawara, evo: the “game no name”, amyitis, united square, expedition: northwest passage, nautilus, metromania, origin, twin tin bots, tiki, the battle for hill 218, caribbean all fours, uncle chestnut's table gype, khronos, jump gate, niagara, neutreeko, four color cards, in the year of the dragon, florenza: the card game, le dernier peuple, outlaws: last man standing, alveole, bombay, gear & piston, dragon keeper: the dungeon, armadöra, isaac, gygès, kabaleo, tablut, dragon line, kqj bga in the news you play the games in your browser which is great. app news jan 2016 very popular with the online board gaming community. chaz marler dec 2016 bga has digital board games you won't find anywhere else. dave neumann jan 2016 drei klicks zum spielstart. jan drewitz 2014 - fairplay #9 allez vous entrainer sur bga, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes. dr mops tttv bga de l`interview join the arena. now. create an account with your email. start playing now or, create an account with facebook google discover new board games board game arena enforces game rules, so you can concentrate on having fun. we selected 145 among the best existing board games, and we publish at least one new game each month! play at your own pace don't like to wait? play in real-time with a timer to make sure your games are fast paced. like to think quietly? play turn-based to enjoy a game (or many at the same time) by taking turns when it fits in your schedule. compete against the whole world. win games to earn ranking points and trophies. challenge the best players during tournaments. board game arena is available in 26 languages, so the whole world is here! please remember me password lost 2981 online players 1962 playing 1019 available service is normal you have joined table {current_game_name} # {current_table_id} go to game your turn-based games: 0 waiting for you 0 in progress play now application loading... ... {display_in_other_lang} {lang_redirect_code} {tutorial_icon} {tutorial_content} you have joined table {current_game_name} # {current_table_id} your turn-based games: 0 waiting for you / 0 in progress ooops, we seem to be having difficulties reaching you by email... check my email settings {confirm_email_message} {i_didnt_receive_email} {check_spambox} {email_change} {email_change} {retry_sending_email} thank you : you are one of our most loyal players! get the best from board game arena for only €2 / month. top help what is board game arena? 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